Working with schools and community to create murals, develop curriculum and engage students and teachers.

"Phoenix of Transmutation" by Stowe Middle School students and Juniper Creative Arts.
The concept was designed by Juniper Creative Arts in collaboration with Stowe Middle School Students. The Phoenix wings are comprised of 181 individual pieces of student artwork with additional work represented by the bees below the wings, giving a grand total of 193 pieces of student work.
"Dandelion Wishes" by The Current summer camp artists and Juniper Creative Arts.

A collaborative community mural at the start of the Stowe recreation path led by Juniper Creative Arts and painted by community members and talented young artists in The Current's Mural Summer Camp.

Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation/ transmutation…trust the process”
—Lalah Delia